Archive | Big Elle Yacht

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Sailing From Arikawa to Dejima Port in Nagasaki

The last leg of our ten day Golden Week sailing adventure begins today with a sail from Arikawa to Dejima Wharf in Nagasaki. Day 63 – May 5th. A fine breakfast of the gifted Zopf style bread and Marmalade plus salad begins the day.   We leave the port of Arikawa waving goodbye to new […]

Eating Live Shrimps on Manabe Island, Not For The Feint Hearted

Catching the water taxi from Shiraishi Island to Manabe Island is the only way to get there. The journey is about 35 minutes at high speed across the water before arriving at the jetty where you get off. Day 56 – April 28th continued. The water taxi operates the service from the main land to […]